Festivals and traditions
It is important to do fun activities in our free time. We can have fun listening to music, doing sport or playing games with our friends. We can also celebrate local festivals and traditions in our free time. We celebrate festivals and traditions at school, at home or in our town. In this unit we are going to learn about free time activities, festivals and traditions.
Esta secuencia contiene:
8 actividades
28 recursos
- Inglés
Secuencia didáctica
It is important to do fun activities in our free time. We can have fun listening to music, doing sport or playing games with our friends. We can also celebrate local festivals and traditions in our free time. [...]
Free time The time when we are not at school or doing activities such as eating or sleeping is called free time. In our free time, we can do leisure activities because they are fun or relaxing, or because they teach us something new. [...]
Festivals We have festivals on different days during the year. When there is a festival, people have fun with their family and friends. The life of farmers, who grow plants and keep animals for food, gives us many festivals. [...]
Festivals During the year, people in villages, towns and cities celebrate festivals. Many festivals, such as Christmas Day, always take place on the same day of the year. Carnival and Easter take place on different days, depending on the year. [...]
Ireland Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. Irish people celebrate Saint Patrick's Day on 17th March. Saint Patrick's Day is a very popular festival. The celebration normally lasts 4 or 5 days and there are lots of different events. [...]
It is important to do fun activities in our free time. We can have fun listening to music, doing sport or playing games with our friends. We can also celebrate local festivals and traditions in our free time. [...]
Make a poster about a festival What do we need? A piece of A3 card. Coloured pencils, scissors, glue. Pictures from magazines or the Internet. What do we do? These are some of the festivals we celebrate during the year: New year's Day. [...]
It is important to do fun activities in our free time. We can have fun listening to music, doing sport or playing games with our friends. We can also celebrate local festivals and traditions in our free time. [...]
Cursos y asignaturas
8 años:
- Biología
- Sociología
9 años:
- Sociología
- Biología
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